Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spiderman Cookies

I just completed an order of Spiderman cookies for a Birthday party this weekend. I love how they came out! Here's a few different pictures...the first one was a progress shot of just the web before I put the eyes on, a group shot, closeup and then I packaged one to show the finished product. I think the blue ribbon is a great Spidey touch and am happy I went with that over a red ribbon. The grand total of Spiderman cookies was 40!


DeAnna said...

Theresa those are AWESOME!! I am impressed! Everything you do is awesome, but those are really cool!

Anonymous said...

Those look awesome! Great job!!!

Sarah B. said...

Wait! These are exactly what I have been looking for. Can I order some???

Kristina B said...

these look amazing - so impressed! i was asked to do something similar for an upcoming event - would you mind telling me what you used for the eyes?