Monday, November 5, 2007


This past week, my oldest and dearest friend DeAnna and her Daughter came to visit me. I hadn't seen her in years, and this was the first time I met Isabelle. I had such a great time and really didn't want her to leave. They came out in time to trick-or-treat with my girls and they made out very well in the candy department. Before we headed out that evening, I had baked some of my cookies since she never had the opportunity to try them before. Shame on me for not sending them! Being the awesome photographer she is, she set up a little ghostie photo shoot and took superb shots! Thank you for that DeAnna! Now you get to fly out here after every creation to snap some pictures! :)

1 comment:

DeAnna said...

Those cookies were the best cookies I ever had! I mean it they were simply delicious! The perfect bite every time!!! Thanks for having us and anytime you want to send us cookies I wont complain!!!!